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Do You Remember the 21st Night of September

Do You Remember the 21st Night of September

No… but I do remember the 12th day of September, 2015. Ane of the happiest days of my life, when my beautiful girl said "I exercise" to my now son-in-law. And hither they are today, celebrating their 3rd wedding ceremony anniversary. You lot cannot ask for more for your child than a life with a wonderful person they beloved, who cherishes them, and who fits right into your family. Nosotros are then blessed to join families with my son-in-law'due south. Remember how his grandpa has helped me get my Christmas tree these last two years (impossible task for a SOLO gal)? Plus nosotros get to enjoy sweet baby Lily!

"Union is most becoming a team. Y'all're going to spend the residue of your life learning nearly each other, and every now then, things accident up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both dearest each other, you'll always figure out a way to get through it."  ― Nicholas Sparks

Their wedding was everything they hoped it would exist. (ME As well!) The venue was cute, the nuptials party was wonderful, the anniversary was touching, all of our family and friends were at that place, and the reception was FUN, which is what they wanted. We could not accept asked for annihilation more. Happy anniversary to this beautiful couple!

My cute girl and handsome son-in-police force on their hymeneals twenty-four hours! Such happiness!

This time last year, my kids and I were in NYC enjoying a couple of days in the city before attending the wedding of our neighbour who my kids grew upward with. This beautiful couple is celebrating their first anniversary this weekend. What a fun trip and wonderful wedding that was! I was so thankful to be able to spend that time and share the feel with my kids and my friends. Happy anniversary to this cute couple too!

"A great relationship doesn't happen considering of the love yous had in the beginning merely how well y'all proceed building dear until the terminate."

Looking back on last year'due south web log, this date included lots of union advice. I know… union communication from a SOLO girl? Yes. Believe me, I take learned A LOT! Then this year I will requite just i slice of advice, especially to these young couples who have been in the honeymoon stage and are now moving to the real world of wedlock. Wedlock is not all sunshine, but if yous realize this and work together, you tin can weather the storms that will rise upwardly in your marriage. And trust me, in that location will exist storms. I wish someone had told me long agone that marriage is not perfect. I lived in a fairy tale world where I thought life was perfect, including spousal relationship. Piffling did I know what storms were ahead for me.

"No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together."

Speaking of storms, I headed to my happy place last Fri for a glorious week, until information technology was interrupted by some other woman (imagine that!). A real B&$#H named Florence. The weather at the beach was perfect – sunny and cute every day. I caught up on lost sleep by sleeping in and sleeping on the beach in between reading (read 2 books) and looking for shells. But there was a lot of concern every bit Hurricane Florence was getting her proper noun in the news, constantly. At that place is withal a bit of uncertainty where Flo will state as she has not totally decided still which Carolina coast to invade. No matter which coast, we will all be affected by this hurricane. She's a Large 'Un (equally my Dad would say). I was going to leave Tuesday dark until the Beach Popo told me if I waited information technology could take me three hours just to get out of the beach expanse, normally a 25 minute drive. The heck with that! I readied my house Monday night, said goodbye to it and the beach Tuesday morning before sunrise, and hit the road home. Wanted to beat the traffic before the mandatory evacuation went into effect.

"Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come up to clear your path."

It was truly hard to believe this hurricane was coming when it was and so beautiful at the beach. The calm before the tempest. September is my favorite time of the year at the beach because the temperature and humidity are lower, the crowds are gone, beaches are uncluttered, traffic is lighter, and there is no waiting for a table at dinner. Got down Friday in time to come across my sis and her married man for dinner at a little restaurant/bar we take been wanting to effort. Had lots of CAROLINA signs, but the wrong colour – Carmine (SC)! Simply the food and atmosphere were groovy! And Sabbatum we went to Franks – again, no wait for a great tabular array.

While I was really looking forwards to this week at the beach, I experience worse for the people who were down there on vacation and had to evacuate. I likewise take friends on the declension of NC who are concerned every bit well. And as if that is not plenty, my domicile towns of Charlottesville and Winston-Salem are in the path of Flo'south torrential rain. Carolina's commencement home football game game has fifty-fifty been cancelled, which might be in their favor this year (i less loss)! And at least I had iii glorious days at the beach, and I know I'll exist back soon, as long as my firm is still continuing!

"Without rain null grows, learn to embrace the storms in your life."

Honestly, this storm's breadth surprised me. Storms in our lives are similar that too. How do you lot prepare for something you don't know is going to happen? And even with some alarm, how do you set up? You deal with information technology, accept it, get your chin upward, stay strong, and movement on. Life is good – recall that. The forecast for the days later on the hurricane (Saturday/Sunday) looks beautiful. Proof that the sunday volition shine again, no thing how bad things are. No tempest lasts forever.

"If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain."  -Dolly Parton

If yous haven't heard, the upcoming hurricanes will be named "Leslie" and "Michael". Though it looks like we might, I am hoping we don't get to our family names, and I hope they exercise Not invade my happy place! How embarrassing that would exist!

Please say a prayer for all those in the path of Hurricane Florence. And remember that you are stiff plenty to weather whatsoever storms that come into your life. Don't allow the storms ruin your happiness, because equally we all know, none of u.s.a. is promised tomorrow.



PS – What I learned this week – I always thought that the reason nuptials rings are worn on the left fourth finger is because that finger has a "vein of love" that runs from the finger directly to the eye. I learned this week that this is a MYTH, a legend. Bummer. I loved that idea! (Even if I am NOT wearing whatever rings on that finger!) The legend dates back to the Romans, who did not actually empathize biology! All fingers accept veins that connect to the center in a roundabout fashion.

Do You Remember the 21st Night of September

Posted by: germainsamsexhadve.blogspot.com

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